8 clinical signs and symptoms of CANCER OF THE CERVIX and its Early Treatment

This is the most common gynaecological cancer. The risk factors for this condition are early age of first coitus, multiple sexual partners, having spouses  with multiple sexual partners, high parity, infection with human papillomavirus(HPV), and infection with Herpes Simplex type ii.


Clinical Features

  1. Commonest in age group-30 and above.
  2. There is post-coital bleeding.
  3. There is post-menopausal bleeding.
  4. There is foul smelling vaginal discharge
  5. There is intermentrausal PV bleeding.
  6. Many patients present late with advanced disease.
  7. Diagnosis is confirmed by histology.


  1. Speculum examination shows easily bleeding lession on the cervix
  2. Haemoglobin
  3. Biopsy

A high index of suspicion is essential as early detection is important



  1. Provide general supportive care, e.g correction of anaemia.
  2. Undertake examination under anaesthesia for staging and biopsy of the lesion. For confirmation by histology.
  3. Provide supportive treatment, surgery, and/or radiotherapy.
  4. Refer to a specialist as appropriate.
  5. If histology confirms malignancy, admit for investigations.


  1. Avoid risk factors listed above.
  2. Pap smear every 3 years for early detection.
  3. Visual inspection (of cervix) with acetic acid (VIA) or Lugol’s iodine (VILI) are simple screening methods that can be used for all women from sexual debut.
  4. HPV vaccine before sexual debut and for those HPV negative.

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