This is inflammation of the peritoneum. Appreciate that peritonitis could be due to Tuberculosis and could also be aseptic. The aseptic type is usually due to chemical irritants like pancreatic juices, etc. Peritonitis usually ends up producing adhesions that…
Year: 2022
Clinical Features In infants, suspect bowel obstruction if: No meconium is evacuated within the first 24 hours of birth. There is a green or bilious vomiting. There is abdominal distension. In older children and adults, suspect bowel obstruction if: There…
General Surgery
Abdominal Conditions ACUTE ABDOMEN Acute abdomen is a clinical term used to describe a syndrome that usually incorporates symptoms and signs in the abdomen. Central to the syndrome is severe, acute abdominal pain. The term” acute abdomen” is a…
Spinal Injury
Spinal injury could involve soft tissues(muscles and ligaments), bones(vertebrae and discs), and neural tissue(spinal cord and nerves). It is important for primary assessment to establish the presence of an injury and initiate immediate treatment to avoid worsening either the…
Head Injury
With the high number of road traffic accidents and assaults, this is a fairly common injury. Early and proper management is critical in order to avoid death and long-term morbidity. Investigations Radiological information of CT scan is usually more…
Maxillofacial Injury
This injury can present with an apparently frightening clinical picture. Do not panic! Traumatic injuries to the facial structures may be classified as: Soft tissue injuries +- tissue loss Hard tissue injuries +-bone loss Combined soft and hard tissue…
Chest Injury
PENETRATING INJURY Common objects causing injury are knives, arrows, spears,and bullets.The objective of the management is to restore normal anatomy or physiology resulting from the stab injury. Investigations For the majority of cases, the chest radiograph alone is adequate.…
The Multiply Injured Patient
A patient injured in more than two body systems is defined as multiply injured.This situation commonly occurs in road traffic accidents, falls from a height, blast injuries, etc. The approach to a patient with multiple injuries has to be systematic…
The majority of burns are caused by heat, which may be open flame, contact heat, and hot liquids (scalds). Others are chemical, electric, friction, sunburns,and irradiation.NB: Extreme cold can cause tissue injuries(i.e frostbite). Initial Management of Burn Cases FIRST…
Animal and Snake Bites
These include bites by humans, dogs, and other domestic animals, as well as wild animal bites. Management This will depend on the extent of tissue loss and the site of injury. Most bites consist of cuts and simple lacerations.…