Month: December 2022

8 clinical signs and symptoms of CANCER OF THE CERVIX and its Early Treatment

This is the most common gynaecological cancer. The risk factors for this condition are early age of first coitus, multiple sexual partners, having spouses  with multiple sexual partners, high parity, infection with human papillomavirus(HPV), and infection with Herpes Simplex type…

New Differential Diagnosis of Cellulitis And Abscesses: The Signs, Symptoms and Emergency Treatment

Orofacial cellulitis may emanate from any of the sources and sites given earlier.The principal micro-organism that precipitate cellulitis produce diverse toxins, enzymes, and cytokines that destroy tissue to facilitate infection, which spreads through the contagious fascial planes. In this way…

Why you are prone to pain on defecation and inappropriate sitting?: These are Common

  Anorectal Conditions Clinical Features There is pain usually on defecation that prevents proper sitting and causes immobility(commonly due to abscess, thrombosed haemorrhoids, or acute fissure-in-ano). Painless bleeding is commonly due to haemorrhoids but may be due to colorectal carcinoma.…